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DiiA China Summit 2019

October 10, 2019

DiiA and its partner First Design are pleased to announce the DiiA China Summit 2019, which will take place on November 1st in Shanghai.

Speakers will share information on DALI-based projects in different lighting markets such as healthcare, offices, and education institutions. They will explain the benefits of DALI-2 for intelligent lighting systems that meet the growing demand for qualities such as reliability, variety, practicality, comfort and personalization. Scott Wade from DiiA will provide an update on the latest developments in DALI-2, and will look ahead to what the future holds. The full agenda will be available soon. 

Invited guests will included lighting designers, business owners and representatives from lighting-industry associations. The event is also open to design houses, system integrators and product developers.

DiiA members should contact First Design if they are interested in sponsoring the event.

Gold Sponsors:


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